Mar 091942

Class 127 at HMS Royal Arthur, photographed on 10 March 1942. Arthur Johnson is wearing glasses, seated far left, second row back.

My darling,
I’m afraid this will be a hurried and rather brief note as I am hoping to go to the pictures in the camp for the first time and it is already nearly supper time. Getting tired of waiting to hear from the dentist, I went to see him – or rather, them – today. They had forgotten about me as apparently they sent for me while I was in sick bay and had not inquired whether or not I was out again. Organisation! We are to have our second inoculation tomorrow so I cannot have my teeth done before Thursday and according to the dentist I should be ready to come out of sick bay by Sunday. That will leave me at least a few days to get used to being without them before we have to move. Our C.P.O. was hoping to be able to let us know when and where we were moving today, but was unable to find anything out. Tomorrow we are going to have our photographs taken as a full class – you know the idea, all sitting in rows. I’ll send it on to you.
About the other photographs. I’ll send one on to Mother and other members of the family. They might as well all be in the fun!
By the way, I had a parcel of knitted goods from Mother today – socks (too big!), scarf and helmet. I have sent a brief note acknowledging them. This is all for now, sweet, as I am trying to catch the post before supper. There may be a bit of a gap in my letters this week, but you will understand, I know.
Bye, my sweet. It’s four full weeks gone tomorrow. Four weeks towards the solution of your doubts and difficulties about bellbottoms!
Am enclosing letters for the children written on Saturday and left out of your weekend letter.
All my love, precious,
Arthur XX